22 July 2020
If your toothpaste or pastry icing looks whiter, they could be using titanium dioxide (TiO2). The whiter than white pigment is deceptively pure. In small nanoparticle sizes, it's a risk to human health. France is the first country to prohibit the use of food additive E171, a colorant containing titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Nanotechnologies are becoming pervasive in more of our products and lives. More health and safety risks, however, are being reported by pharmacovigilance consulting companies.
16 April 2020
Becoming a manager is often a big step for many people in their careers and gives them a myriad of benefits that can be huge. However, some people struggle in this position due to poor communication skills and may need a leadership university program to succeed in ways that they may not expect. Common Issues With Managerial Communication New managers often find that their new position is much more challenging than they may have been anticipating.
1 August 2019
Computers can allow a business to be vastly more effective and efficient. However, the choice of the software that will run on the systems can be a major decision that can impact the way the business is able to use its computer systems. This can make retaining a software selection consulting service a helpful option as these professionals can help businesses navigate the software selection process. Ensure Software Has The Needed Features
3 April 2017
If you thought coaching was only for the sports-minded individual, you were wrong. Coaching is for the career-minded individual, as well. Whether you're achieving the career goals you set for yourself, or you seem to have stalled, you can always benefit from a good coach. Not sure how? Here are four important ways in which an executive coach can help you achieve greatness. Identify Patterns of Behavior You might not realize this, but you have certain patterns of behavior that sets you apart from everyone else.
12 March 2017
As a business owner, you understand the importance of making sure that your premises are as secure as possible. To that end, you may have invested the money in a good alarm system as well as installed a closed circuit television (CCTV) surveillance system so that you can keep an eye on the structure at all times. However, one area that you may not have thought about involves the risk of fire.
16 February 2017
While many employers regularly request that their staff makes an effort to conserve resources, rarely do they approach things from their workers' perspective. If you we were no longer in charge of your company and instead had to meet the whims and demands of your boss, how compliant would you be when it came to requests that went above and beyond your normal work duties? Rather that renewing a message that you have found does not fully resonate with your staff, try promoting these five unique ideas to change your employee's perspective on waste and conservation.